to programm your boehm 12/24, you have upload the whole instrument configuration at once. put the adjusted hex codes from the first row into a text to sysex converter ( ) Download the syx file and upload it using sysex librarian. Keep in mind, you have to set the values as HEX! HEX DESCRIPTION MIN MAX (DEC) F0 start sysex 00 B 42 O 6F E 68 H 6D M 05 reprogram instrument 02 Instrument Number 0-99 00 GEN1: detune 0-7 01 GEN1: harmonic 0-15 45 GEN1: level 0-99 01 GEN1: envelope scaling 0-3 01 GEN1: attack 0-31 00 GEN1: decay 0-31 00 GEN1: sustain 0-31 00 GEN1: sustain level 0-15 03 GEN1: release 1 0-15 00 GEN1: touch sensetivity 0-99 00 GEN1: vibrato depth 0-99 00 GEN1: scaling positive 0-99 02 GEN1: scaling negative 0-99 07 GEN1: feedback 0-7 02 GEN1: release 2 0-15 00 UNUSED 00 GEN2: detune 0-7 00 GEN2: harmonic 0-15 00 GEN2: level 0-99 00 GEN2: envelope scaling 0-3 00 GEN2: attack 0-31 00 GEN2: decay 0-31 00 GEN2: sustain 0-31 00 GEN2: sustain level 0-15 00 GEN2: release 1 0-15 00 GEN2: touch sensitivity 0-99 08 GEN2: vibrato frequency 0-99 00 GEN2: scaling positive 0-99 00 GEN2: scaling negative 0-99 04 GEN2: connection diagram 0-7 00 GEN2: release 2 0-15 04 GEN2: Options bit 0-7 0 = Monophone, 1 = glide, 2 = ensemble 00 GEN3: detune 0-7 01 GEN3: harmonic 0-15 53 GEN3: level 0-99 00 GEN3: envelope scaling 0-9 0E GEN3: attack 0-31 00 GEN3: decay 0-31 00 GEN3: sustain 0-31 00 GEN3: sustain level 0-15 05 GEN3: release 1 0-99 00 GEN3: touch sens 0-99 0E GEN3: Vibrato delay time 0-99 07 GEN3: scaling positive 0-99 00 GEN3: scaling negative 0-99 02 GEN3: Octave 0-7 04 GEN3: release 2 0-15 00 UNUSED 00 GEN4: detune 0-7 00 GEN4: harmonic 0-15 00 GEN4: level 0-99 00 GEN4: envelope scaling 0-3 00 GEN4: attack 0-31 00 GEN4: decay 0-31 00 GEN4: sustain 0-31 00 GEN4: sustain level 0-15 00 GEN4: release 1 0-15 00 GEN4: touch sens 0-99 00 GEN4: vibrato after touch 0-99 00 GEN4: scaling positive 0-99 00 GEN4: scaling negative 0-99 00 GEN4: 2nd generator detune 0-12 00 GEN4: release 2 0-15 00 UNUSED F7 END